Sunday, 7 August 2016

Tutorial - Weathered Armour

Hi all

Today I thought I'd add a tutorial to show how I achieved the rusted/pitted armour effect on my Dark Eldar Talos.

I've used the tail gun(s) to demo the technique.

Step 1
Base colour painted on with Vallejo Model Air Rust.

Apply with: Brush
Step 2
Dab thinned out Ushabti Bone on all of the armour plating using a soft sponge.

Apply with: Soft sponge

Tip: make it look rough and uneven. Allow the base rust colour to still show through in places.
Step 3
Using a sponge, add thinned out Pallid Wych Flesh on all of the armour plating.

Apply with: Soft sponge

Tip: Alternate between wiping it on very thinly to dabbing (stippling) with the sponge. Once again, let the underlying colours show through in places

Step 4
Apply a very thin wash of Abaddon Black.

Apply with: Brush

Note: I chose Abaddon Black over a dedicated wash like Nuln Oil as the washes tend to have a shiny finish and I wanted this to be dull. 
Step 5
Build up the armour colour using a mix of Ushabti Bone and Pallid Wych Flesh.

After applying a thin layer with a normal brush, grab a stippling brush and have a go with that as well. It will roughen up the finish and make it appear patchy. Remember the final effect will look like the solid armour is work and stained.

Apply with: Standard brush + Stippling Brush

As always, make sure to leave streaks of the underlying colour visible in places to make it look weathered. 
Step 6
Time to add the chips. This step really brings it together.
Using sea sponge dipped in Vallejo Game Color Charred Brown, gently dab around the edges of the plates and random other places to show wear and tear.

Apply with: Sea sponge

Tip: keep it random. Go light at the start and build up. Remember to make the chipping heavier in places the model would likely take damage etc.
Step 7
Note to self: If you have magnetised your model, you are an idiot. You will need to paint four times the number of weapons.

Repeat these steps ad infinitum...
Step 8
Add highlights to the edge of the armour plates with Pallid Wych Flesh. Highlight around the larger chips and rust areas to help add depth. This will make it look like a layer of the armour is actually missing.

At this stage, also work on your other colour and detail (prior to step 10).

Apply with: Brush
Step 9
Paint the armour plates with a layer of gloss varnish. This will help with the next step.

Apply with: Brush

Step 10
This space is reserved for the next step which will be a wash with AK Interactive Light Rust Enamel Wash
I will add the pics of that when I've completed the step!

[Pic coming soon]

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